07 October, 2008

I am NOT good if..

'Being good' is what almost everyone, wants to be.. May be because we have figured out through experience that good people are cherished more.. So for pride, show, attention or anything else, we try to be good.. Or sometimes, we actually believe in goodness.. The reason might be anything, but there are few things that are always true..
I am NOT good if..
  • i don't pray daily to thank the almighty..
  • i don't respect or give time to my parents..
  • i don't behave properly with one who cares..
  • i don't respect others feelings..
  • i don't help others..
  • i don't serve..
  • i don't share..
  • i don't listen..
  • . . . . . .
  • . . . (the list goes on)
Simply, if i don't care for people who really mean to me or for other people in the name of humanity.. I am not considered to be good!!
But the irony is, I may not be doing some of these things purposely.. Still, in the eyes of the world, i am NOT good..


icyhotyuvi said...

i think nothing exists like good or bad..its just your way of looking....same may be bad for others that is good for one and the vice versa. According to your list, nobody can be perfect good :P. Every person has something as good and something as bad but we should always try to admire the goodness.

VENI said...

i think u didn't get the point yuvraj.. its NOT about good or bad.. Its about "Being Good".
And to your first point, i would say, there exists things that are universally considered to be Good or Bad..
However, I do agree to the last point you added, that we should always try to admire goodness.. Thanks for spreading beautiful thoughts :-)

Ankur saxena said...

i am both good and not good :).. trying to push it the positive, nice one.