25 September, 2008


HA - laughter
PPI - parts per instance
NESS - state

To be technical , the parts of your life in which you laugh with no other thought in mind.. is precisely what is called happiness.. Its a state of enormous amount of joy that starts filling up your heart and then flows in the body all over with a sense of vibration and you just feel the chill.. A state of no tension, no grief, no jealousy.. but rather joy, purity, innocence and compassion..

The joy could have started from
  • The smile and innocent act of a child.
  • The beauty of the nature that surrounds you.
  • The food you always wanted to eat.
  • The gadgets you always wanted to have.
  • The help you always wanted to volunteer.
  • The goal you always wanted to achieve.
  • The love you always wanted to express.
  • The thoughts you always wanted to share.
  • The knowledge you always wanted to spread.
  • The quality time you always wanted to spend with family.
  • The company of the friends with whom you wanted to have fun.
And there are lots of more things which matter to us and we believe they are the source of happiness.. Its not always achieving, having or acquiring that gives pleasure.. It is giving, which even if done in small amount gives us tremendous amount of long lasting happiness.. Happiness spread is happiness earned.. Its a fact of life, if you make someone happy today; you would feel twice the amount of happiness which he would have felt..
Just love and help others, and you will flow in happiness and will never know..
"Love thy neighbour as thyself" :-)